Create and test your own TAXII server

- 4 mins

Since there’s almost no blog posts talking about how to set up your own TAXII server i thought this could help.

Trusted Automated Exchange of Intelligence Information (TAXII™) is an application protocol for exchanging CTI over HTTPS. ​TAXII defines a RESTful API (a set of services and message exchanges) and a set of requirements for TAXII Clients and Servers

TAXII was specifically designed to support the exchange of CTI represented in STIX

I’ll be using EclecticIQ OpenTAXII in docker and Cabby for testing it.

Clone the repo because we’re going to be changing some configurations instead of running the eclecticiq/opentaxii image from docker hub

git clone

Modify configuration files

First we need to edit examples/data-configuration.yml

Here you can edit the username and password of the default user

NOTE: if you add a new user using the opentaxii-create-account command from inside the container, it won’t take effect in the database. You’ll have to rebuild the image with the new user added to data-configuration.yml or add the user directly in the database. To access the database execute sqlite3 /data/auth.db from inside the container.

I set authentication_required of inbox_a to yes to test server authentication later

Here’s the edited part of data-configuration.yml:

  - id: inbox_a
    type: inbox
    address: /services/inbox-a
    description: Custom Inbox Service Description A
    destination_collection_required: yes
    accept_all_content: yes
    authentication_required: yes

Now save and let’s edit the Dockerfile to copy data-configuration.yml into the container

in the Dockerfile add this line under the ENTRYPOINT command

COPY  examples/data-configuration.yml /input/data-configuration.yml	

Build and run the server

Now that we have fixed everything, build and run the image:

 docker build --no-cache  --network=host -t opentaxii  -f Dockerfile .
 docker run -d --network=host opentaxii

according to the documentation now the server should be available on localhost:9000

To check run this command

 curl -d 'username=admin&password=admin' http://localhost:9000/management/auth

If everything’s good you should get a token and continue to the Testing the server section , if not or if you need to see the server logs

Go into the container:

 docker exec -ti <container-id> bin/bash

you can get the container id using docker ps

Rerun the server using a different port:

gunicorn opentaxii.http:app --bind localhost:1234

To test it, from your local computer run:

curl -d 'username=admin&password=admin' http://localhost:1234/management/auth

you should get the token now.

Test the server

Now that the server’s up and running, here’s the python script to test it

from cabby import create_client
client = create_client('localhost',
                        use_https = False,
                        port = '1234',
    # URL used to obtain JWT token
# Check the available services to make sure inbox service is there
services = client.discover_services()
print(f"Services: {services}")
# Get the data that we want to send
with open("examples/stix/stuxnet.stix.xml") as stix_file:
    stix_data =
binding = ''
# URI is the path to the inbox service we want to use in the taxii server
client.push(stix_data, binding,
print(f"Successfully exported to TAXII server.")

save this in the OpenTAXII dir and run, now you should see the services printed.

To verify that the data is pushed, run this in your local computer:

pip3 uninstall cabby

taxii-poll --path http://localhost:1234/services/poll-a -c collection-a --username admin --password admin

you should get the contents of examples/stix/stuxnet.stix.xml



Just another reverse engineer.

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